
janvier 08, 2013

David Bowie, Where are We Now ? - Nouveau single

La nouvelle est tombée ce matin sur les réseaux sociaux…David Bowie sort un nouveau single, prémisse d’un nouvel album dont la sortie est prévue dans 2 mois tout juste… 10 ans, cela faisait 10 ans que Bowie n’avait plus rien sorti et là…patatras sans coup férir, il met en ligne son nouveau single agrémenté d’un clip.

"New York, NY--January 8, 2013--In the early morning hours of Tuesday the 8th January, Iso/Columbia Records released a new single by David Bowie titled 'Where Are We Now?' exclusively launching in the iTunes Store in 119 countries. David Bowie's first new album in ten years and his 30th studio recording, THE NEXT DAY is also available as a pre-order on iTunes with a wide release scheduled for March. January the 8th is of course David Bowie's birthday, a timely moment for such a treasure to appear as if out of nowhere."


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